Got to hand it to you...
You definitely know how to make a serious short. The animation was good, the music well placed... to be honest, that was a very well made 'tribute', and I'll look forward to more.
Got to hand it to you...
You definitely know how to make a serious short. The animation was good, the music well placed... to be honest, that was a very well made 'tribute', and I'll look forward to more.
It's shit - but very funny shit
This has got to be the funniest show ever created on NG. The intro (up to 'Disaster Labs') is probably the best part.
The flash has been fucked
The prologue voice at the beginning should be English (period - British Empire) to make a proper mockery of the whole 'fire-side living room, sipping wine and acting like a snob' act.
Other than that, you need to add more deaths - there are few things worse than a TV with broken buttons.
Unreal - but it's still funny
It IS similar to Family Guy - with the countless cameos and trash. But it is quite funny anyway, go watch it.
You forgot to mention WankEye...
"What the fuck is a grape clock doing walking around and playing guitar, why the shitty music, your friend was a faggot, and you are too. ROFL Lashmush_87 u are a fag too, "May the gentle arme of eternal sleep cradle you in the afterlife, Damon." HAHAHAHA what a retard, lol, "afterlife", HAHAHA, you guys are funny. You whould do one of your stupid sister doin herself in lushmush, that would be funny too i bet, lol!!!"
And that is seriously what he wrote, go read it if you don't believe me. You could do another one with WankEye in it, or just update this one. Either way, WankEye is a blind tosser who deserves to be raped by an elephant and fingered first.
The actual submission was quite funny, the way you depicted the two gits as - creatures, things -was quite funny. Salute to you.
That was... different... ¬.¬'
The audio was really good - where does it come from? At any rate, I enjoyed this solely because of the music. The 'twist' was a bit poorly-executed, though - maybe the mouth movement should have been more Terrance-and-Phillip for 'humour'.
Somebody really hates DBZ...
First of all, I consider myself to be a pretty good fan of DBZ (quit laughing at the back), and I've seen countless rip-offs, parodies, hentai spam (not a good thing), which were not entirely offensive.
This has as much value as an ALDI coupon, and is three times cheaper.
I don't say that because I'm a fan - I say that because this is just shit, on every level. IMHO, this isn't fit to lick Satan's vomit-covered balls.
If you hate DBZ that much, why not just write in the forums about it? As it is, you're wasting Portal space.
Masterpiece. Utter brilliance.
This is great, I'm personally surprised you can do better than this. As a member of the SEGA Alliance during the early 90's, I have to say, seeing Mario and Sonic dead is a bit bittersweet. Sephiroth is really cool though. And at any rate, your graphics rock. Seriously, keep this up.
Hang on, I have to talk otherwise...
To Covenant_ 25:
1) After Halo, there's Project Gotham, Panzer Dragoon... Oddworld doesn't count 'cos it's sold out... DOA3... DOA Volleyball is just a perv's dream with little gameplay... Halo 2 will come out... and that's it.
2) The Online Chat only means we'll now have verbal spammers as well as text spammers. Great idea.
3) XBox has better graphics perhaps - but GameCube has better games overall - stuff like SSBM, Sunshine, Metroid, Zelda, Sonic Mega Collection, Beach Spikers, Timesplitters 2, Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Nightfire... need I go on?
4) I own an XBox, Gamecube AND a PS2, so I am not being biast with no experience. XBox needs better games, no question.
5) Sonic was invented by SEGA, but CapnCRUNCHE said he is now on Nintendo - Sonic games, not the mascot!
6)How can you be so offensive to someone who doesn't know some facts? Places like Newgrounds should be places where people give advice, not to flame each other.
7) Then again, I've voiced my opinion so I suppose you XBox owners will try and criticise me now. See if I care. Flame me all you want. I have FireBarrier and a steady nerve, so you can't truly hurt me.
Looking into animation.
Age 37, Male
Joined on 4/6/03